Mastodon | Codeberg


Hello! I'm Lynn, a lesbian programmer, hacker, and mother of two cats. I've been programming since I was a kid (over two decades now.) I'll keep track of my hobby projects on this website, so please check them out. I don't ensure that my solutions are the best, but rather to find trivial solutions to things that seem difficult to tackle. Please reach out to me on the social links listed above if you have any questions, or just want to comment on something I wrote.

What I've been working on recently

Some topics I'm interested in

The following are just some topics I'm interested in, with no real order

  • Composition of the GNU c standard library
  • My Olympia SM9 typewriter
  • Ergonomics, specifically with split keyboards and layers
  • Low level programming with c
  • Using rust without crate managing dependencies
  • Bootstrapping (specifically linux)
  • Writing interpreters, compilers, parsers
  • Literate programming and documentation
  • GNU Emacs
  • Hugging cats

Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.6.15)